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Home > STOCK CLEARANCE > 125mm Omni Wheel - Double Polyurethane Roller / Rotacaster Formed Mount (with top plate)

125mm Omni Wheel - Double Polyurethane Roller / Rotacaster Formed Mount (with top plate)

OMNIA 125mm R2 omni wheel with Double Polyurethane Roller in Rotacaster formed mount with top plate
$ 57.41 AUD(Ex GST $ 52.19 AUD)
Durometer (roller hardness) *
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125mm omni wheels have been manufactured and engineered from polymers. The injected moulded web-like structure of the wheel body and over moulded rollers combined create a robust, high impact, corrosion resistant wheel with no seems, pins or inserts.

Requiring less housing space than traditional swivel casters and due to their fixed orientation, Rotacasters allow the usage of any traditional fixed caster wheel mounting method but still providing 360-degree mobility without swivel offset.

Mount Material: Zinc plated steel

Load Capacity (depending on durometer)

  • 85A: Lateral 68kg / Static 115kg
  • 95A: Lateral 68kg / Static 125kg

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