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Omnia Wheel Omni-Directional Wheels

Manufactured entirely from engineering resins/polymers, Omnia WheelTM Omni-Directional Wheels are light, durable, impact and corrosive resistant. The injection moulded web-like structure of the 90/127/150/180mm wheel body and over-moulded rollers create a robust, high impact, corrosion resistant wheel, with no pins, inserts or seams.

Omnia's unique, durable construction with its high load bearing capacity, stable mounting capabilities and smooth ride quality makes it ideal for tough environments and industrial applications.

Omni-Directional Wheel Benefits
  • 360° manoeuvrability - without turning or swiveling wheels
  • Better directional control and tracking
  • Precise positioning - without swivel offset correction
  • Minimal wheel space/housing requirements
  • Simple mounting - able to tilt or lever off the fixed wheel mounting
  • Non marking polyurethane rollers
  • Load stability - a static centre of load relative to wheel base
  • Load distribution - the ability to use multiple wheels without swivel offset resistance
  • Robust - wheel frame and roller axles provide a web-like structure with over-moulded rollers
  • Tough and rust free - full polymer construction with no steel pins

Omni-Wheel Size Options

Rotacaster Wheels are available in SIX sizes - 35mm, 50mm, 90mm, 127mm, 150mm and 180mm.



International +61 249 078 100 | Australia 1300 768 222

©2017 Rotacaster Wheel Limited Rotacaster products are patented or patented pending