Contact Us Today
1300 768 222 (au)

+61 249 078 100 (int'l)


Receive a Rebate of up to $1000 from SafeWork NSW 

Receive a rebate of up to $1000 from SafeWork NSW
when purchasing a self-supporting Rotatruck*.

SafeWork NSW offers assistance to small businesses with less than 50 full-time employees.
A rebate of up to $1000 is applicable to small business owners who buy and install eligible safety equipment, addressing safety in the workplace.

If your business undertakes manual material handling tasks,
our Rotatruck may be eligible for this rebate. 
You must engage with SafeWork BEFORE you buy to be eligible.


*See program terms and conditions to check you are eligible for a rebate.







International +61 249 078 100 | Australia 1300 768 222

©2017 Rotacaster Wheel Limited Rotacaster products are patented or patented pending